We are excited to share our enthusiasm for science with all members of society. In order to do this, we lead or participate in the following outreach projects:
Plants iView - a science education outreach program developed in conjunction with the Plant Biology Association of Graduate Students and local middle schools. We create interactive,educational lessons focused on plant-science topics and then enact them in classrooms and after-school programs in our community
Pollen Power! - A week-long science camp for middle school girls to learn about the role of pollen in plant responses to global environmental change
AudibleECOscience - a database of podcasts on subjects related to global change biology. It is designed as a resource for the general public and for educators looking to assign "required listening" to their students. Reviews of each podcast and links to the original source have been provided by students taking the IB107 class at the University of Illinois. The database is fully text searchable or you can browse on your favorite subject.
Osher Life-long Learning Institute Citizen Scientists - a collaborative endeavor that pairs OLLI members with faculty in laboratories on the Illinois campus. The central idea is that the older adult members of OLLI, who have a wealth of professional and life experience, serve as research assistants, rather than subjects, in research labs.